All out of Zebra? Halal Convenience Store has you covered
How Ed Sheeran inspired an East Suffolk property boom
Suffolk Funeral Service offers ‘do-it-yourself’ burials – SELF CEMETERY
Suffolk shopkeeper caught selling HUMAN BURGERS
Clacton McDonald’s suspends milkshake sales until after election
BJ’s on the Beach: ‘Special offers’ gobbled up at Camber convenience store
Rookie driving instructor crashes through shop window on first day
Bright future ahead for Suffolk inventor’s ‘Solar car’
Marks & Spencer stuff gay food down customers’ throats
Gluttonous builder leaves his neighbour with not mushroom to park
Bum-pinchers descend on Suffolk Booty bakery
Illegal immigrant delivery driver ‘possibly sent by God’  Â
Kinder ice cream cones too LIDL for grown-ups?
Female pilots seek Iranian revolution
Peppa Pigs! Troll Inn punters troll cops with TV theme tune
Apple’s Asspod™ enhances earpods music from the bottom up
Check yourself out in the ASDA ‘Roleplay’ Set
Sewage Water Research Centre scientist bangs the clean water drum
Willy Wanker disappoints in latest immersive experience fail
Suffolk men rejoice at opening of ‘the perfect pub’
New Pringles ‘Penis Cheese’ flavour: a taste that’s hard to swallow