Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Norfolk vineyard expects bumper year for Bootiful

Norfolk vineyard

Norfolk vineyard and wine specialist, Barnham Broom Piggeries and Vineyard, is expecting a bumper year thanks to the current heatwave and the recent wet spring.

The business has won accolades worldwide for its full-bodied red wine called Bootiful, and this year’s harvest is expected to yield an extra special vintage.


A spokesman explained: “This year looks like being a bumper harvest and best ever vintage for our Bootiful red wine.

“It’s full bodied, created by blending Shiraz grapes with swede, and its unique flavour has undertones of turnip, with a hint of rat. We expect it to be popular throughout the area.”

He added that the wine would not be on the market for at least six weeks to allow it to mature, adding: “This also gives time for its rather unpleasant smell to disperse.”

Advance orders get a free stomach pump with every case, and Barnham Broom Piggeries and Vineyard insist they are not liable for any losses such as driving licenses, power of speech, dignity, and underwear.


Wine expert Tiffany Grayson said: “Bootiful is an interesting wine that suits any occasion. It can also make a very good paint stripper.”

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