Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Now Olympic prudes ban women’s beach volleyball

beach volleyball

Women’s beach volleyball is being banned from the Olympics because it is “titillation not in keeping with modern societal norms”.

Male sports fans eagerly watch scantily clad beauties frolicking in the sand during the Olympics every four years.


But now stuffy organisers say enough is enough, and the event will move indoors where all contestants will be forced to wear baggy tracksuit bottoms and a coat.

The news comes after Formula 1 announced it was getting rid of the “grid girls” – and even the Professional Darts Corporation said it was banning its walk-on girls.

Many fans think the sporting world is simply caving in to the minority PC Brigade.

Beach volleyball fan Lorraine Fisher, 34, who is a woman, said: “So what if the girls wear the skimpiest of bikinis leaving very little to the red-blooded male imagination?

“Being athletes they just happen to have amazing bodies, but it’s perfectly natural and, you know, women do tend to wear bikinis on the beach.”

A statement from the Olympics headquarters in Lausanne in Switzerland was final.

It read: “While the practice of bronzed female flesh and grunting has been a staple of women’s beach volleyball for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern-day societal norms.

“We don’t believe the practice is appropriate or relevant to the Olympics and its fans, old and new, across the world.”


A spokesperson for the Women’s Sport Trust said: “These changes are taking place because global businesses are making a considered choice about how women should be valued and portrayed in their sports in 2018. They deserve significant credit for doing so.”

Olympics bosses accept that the worldwide television audience for women’s beach volleyball, which was first introduced to the competition in 1992, will now be virtually zero.

It is believed they are also examining whether female swimmers should cover up in the Olympic pools, and if gymnasts should wear jeans and jumpers to spare them from being made sex objects by evil, perverted men.

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