Monday, October 21, 2024

Suffolk Council ‘taking the p*ss’ with new ‘transgender’ toilets

Suffolk Council ‘taking the p*ss’ with new ‘transgender’ toilets

PUBLIC TOILETS, LOWESTOFT – In a fresh attack on the cowed men of Britain, feminist extremists on Suffolk Council have unveiled new “transgender toilets” on the Lowestoft seafront. However, the provocative public lavatories are causing more discomfort than convenience, particularly for male users.

Norfolk Reporter: Ian Bred


The controversy surrounds large printed images of women displayed prominently above the urinals. Instead of the usual serene seaside scenes or motivational quotes found in traditional lavvies.

Men now find themselves confronted with images of attractive women seemingly mocking their manhood. With smirks on their faces, pointing fingers, and exaggerated laughter. These larger-than-life images of women create a rather uncomfortable atmosphere for those trying to relieve themselves.


“It’s like they’re taking the p*ss out of us,” remarked one flustered beachgoer. Struggling to maintain his composure while fumbling with his flies. “I don’t need an audience every time I need to go!”

Indeed, the presence of these intimidating images has led to some rather awkward moments. EWith men feeling as though their every move is being scrutinized by the photogenic onlookers.

For those already struggling with stage fright or “weak flow,” the pressure is only heightened by the relentless gaze of the virtual women above.


Suffolk Council has defended its decision, stating that the aim was to promote inclusivity and diversity in public spaces. However, the backlash from users suggests that this particular approach may have missed the mark as widely as a wayward drunken slash.

Instead of fostering a welcoming environment for all. These facilities have become a source of embarrassment and discomfort for male users, especially those with minute cocks.

More transgender toilets

As the peak-pissing summer season approaches and the crowds flock to Lowestoft Seafront, it remains to be seen whether the (probably) lesbian councillors will address the concerns raised by its embittered male beachgoers or whether the men will, well …loos.

Meanwhile: Seafront horror as a man beats his wife, child and a policeman

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