Sunday, October 20, 2024

Council fills potholes with bedding plants

Bedding plants in potholes

The growing number of potholes on Suffolk’s roads will be filled with attractive bedding plants in a new initiative by the county council.

Highways bosses say floral treats will not only look pretty, but slow drivers down as they avoid squashing them.

Accountants for Suffolk County Council worked out it was cheaper to fill a pothole with beautiful plants like geraniums, busy lizzies and begonias than it was to repair it properly.

They secretly tested a road outside Stowmarket last week, filling the numerous potholes with earth and a variety of flowers.

The results were an immediate success, and work will start throughout the rest of the county next week.

And soon Suffolk’s roads will be awash with colour.

County highways official Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “We think this is a brilliant initiative.

“The plants will look gorgeous, there will be riot of colour on our roads, including all the A, B and C roads.

“Drivers will appreciate not only the colourful displays in the middle of the road, but also the fact they will prevent damage to their vehicles because they will be avoiding the potholes underneath.”

A spokesman for the county council refused to say if a person would be paid to go around and water all the plants.

“We have studied the long-range weather forecast and we are confident the plants will receive plenty of natural watering throughout the whole summer.

“Of course, we will have to replace them with hardy perennials in time for the winter,” the spokesman said.

But some car drivers were not keen on the green initiative. Shirley Capon from Woodbridge said: “I spend enough time trying to avoid lycra-clad cyclists on the road as it is.

“But I suppose at least these plants will look and smell better.”

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