Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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Oulton locals offer to fill in pretty farm girl’s hole

SUFFOLK, UK – Embracing the pothole-riddled reality of Britain’s roads, resourceful citizens have decided that if the craters are here to stay, they might as well make the most of them.

By Ian Bred, Norfolk Correspondent

With Oulton council seemingly allergic to road maintenance. Britons have adopted a reluctant “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” mentality, turning persistent potholes into unexpected assets.

Sweet smelling gash

In the quaint village of Oulton, pretty Suffolk farm girl, Jemima Cantina. She has turned a 7-foot by 4-foot pothole outside her rural home into a makeshift spa. Armed with bath salts and natural sponges, she happily indulges in an al fresco soak, dubbing her unique outdoor retreat her “Pothole Paradise.” Locals passing by often catch a whiff of the lavender-scented bubbles wafting from her hygienic hollow.

Rainbow Fish

Not to be outdone, Ipswich couple Andrew Rectangle and Kevin Lacey have taken the plunge into unconventional pet ownership. Transforming two sizable potholes in the street outside their home, the couple has created a thriving underwater oasis, complete with tropical fish.

As these inventive residents turn potholes into personal playgrounds, the phenomenon is catching on across the nation. From impromptu herb gardens sprouting in road divots to dinky duck ponds carved out of neglected asphalt. The people of Great Britain have discovered that if you can’t eliminate the potholes, you might as well make the most of them.

Oulton council and potholes

Meanwhile, local councils, seemingly oblivious to their roads’ imperfections. Continue their own version of the pothole shuffle – avoiding responsibility and leaving citizens to make the best of a wholly unacceptable situation.

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