Friday, October 25, 2024

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Latvian Postie delivers Brexit rebuke to Suffolk Gammons

Latvian Postie delivers Brexit rebuke to Suffolk Gammons
Latvian Postie delivers Brexit rebuke to Suffolk Gammons

PIN MILL, SUFFOLK – A rogue Latvian Postie working in the UK took it upon himself to deliver a scathing rebuke to the Brexiteers who had turned their backs on the European Union.

Armed with a stack of forged missed delivery slips and a sharp tongue. Oktavians Birznieks, an illegal living in Britain since 2011, set out on his mission of mockery. Filling out thousands of slips with biting commentary on Brexit and its aftermath.

Residents who had voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum. Found themselves confronted with letterboxes full of hand-written missives dripping with sarcasm and scorn.

“Sorry we couldn’t deliver Brexit,” the slips read, each one a stinging reminder of broken promises and dashed hopes. “You were lied to,” they proclaimed, “the good old days of Great Britain before foreigners came never existed.”

Hair mail

Mullet-headed Postie Birznieks, 42, a fully signed up Remoaner, believed he was delivering a righteous comeuppance to those who had championed Brexit. However, those voters who took pleasure in sticking up two fingers to Brussels in 2016. Claim that the Latvian had failed to fully appreciate the potential positive benefits. That could yet emerge from the UK’s departure from ‘Europe’.

“Greater flexibility,” “increased opportunities for growth,” “innovation and adaptation” — these were the Brexit benefits that Birznieks had overlooked in his vengeful campaign say the leaver locals.

Postie Saga

While Postie Birznieks’ act of defiance may have provided temporary catharsis for some. It ultimately served as a reminder that amidst the chaos and controversy of Brexit, there are always potential opportunities for growth and change.

As the sun set over the tranquil waters of the River Orwell, and the delivery slips were unceremoniously dumped in the trash, the residents of Pin Mill were left to ponder the true cost of Brexit — both in missed deliveries and possibly, missed opportunities.

Meanwhile: Ipswich Royal Mail deliver letter 107 years late

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