Monday, February 17, 2025

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Latest figures show 3,200 new COVID cases and 752,000 putting their vaccination card on Facebook

Alarming new figures show there is no let-up in the number of people posting a photograph of their COVID vaccination card on Facebook.

Even though just about everyone in the country will be jabbed at some point, many people assume it is newsworthy to report they have had the vaccination.

The latest Government figures show in the latest period there were: 8 deaths, 3,200 new cases – and 752,000 new Facebook posts of people with a photo of their card.

Social media misery Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “It’s getting like when it snows and everyone posts a photo on Facebook. Why?

“We only need to look out of the window to see it is snowing. And it’s not like we haven’t seen it before.

“Every day, my feed is full of people saying they have had their COVID vaccination and proudly posting a photo of their card.

“These same people have completely ignored all the ‘vaccine done’ posts from their friends.

“And now the ‘double-jabs’ are reporting their news as well.

“It’s times like this that I would welcome seeing what people had for dinner, or a photo of their ugly dog.”

But vaccination fan Steve Walshe, 43, from Woodbridge, said it was important for people to celebrate their news.

“I put up my vaccination card on Facebook – hopefully my cheery post might encourage others to go along and get it done.”

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