Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Terrifying Black Shuck devil dog reappears in Ipswich

This exclusive, extraordinary footage reveals the legendary Black Shuck devil dog, which terrorised East Anglia in the 16th-century, has reappeared in Ipswich.

The seven-foot ghost animal, with terrifying flaming red eyes, has been seen several times this week in the town’s Christchurch Park and has now been caught on film for the first time.

Experts say it has likely been attracted by the scent of blood from the new guillotines at the nearby Cornhill.


Hell-hound Black Shuck can tear a human to shreds in seconds with its savage claws and huge razor-sharp teeth.

Now, families are being warned to keep an eye on their children while out and about in Christchurch Park.

“Perhaps it is wise to keep them close. It might also be sensible to keep your own dogs on a lead because Black Shuck will make light work of them,” said Ipswich council parks official Lorraine Fisher, 34.

There were complaints when the guillotines were built in Ipswich town centre that they were unsightly.

Guillotine Ipswich

But no-one predicted the smell of blood from local beheaded criminals would re-awaken Black Shuck.

The huge animal makes a terrifying howl but you can not hear it running towards you. And by then it’s too late.

It famously killed churchgoers in the Holy Trinity church in Blythburgh during a fierce storm in 1577. Its claw marks are still visible on the church door.

More hapless Christians were torn to shreds in Bungay, and Black Shuck is now incorporated in the town’s crest.

Black shuck suffolk


Anyone spotting Black Shuck is advised to stand as still as possible. There is only one foolproof defence method known to man – and that’s to hold up a photograph of Norwich City owner Delia Smith.

Doing so will send the 14-stone blood-curdling beast (Black Shuck, not Delia) running for cover.

Meanwhile, Ipswich parks department has brought in a team of big-game hunters to track down the dog and kill it before it runs amok.

Our exclusive video shows a sighting of Black Shuck running across the front of the Christchurch Park mansion.

“It was a terrifying moment,” said one local dog walker. “There was an ear-splitting howl and a foul smell. I thought at first it was my wife, but then everything else in the park went eerily quiet.

“I got my phone out and managed to get this video of Black Shuck, which looked like it was after a squirrel.

“The hell-hound is obviously driven to a frenzy by the heads and blood of the local criminals executed on the Cornhill guillotines.”


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