Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Harrods-style Asda delivery van fools Aldeburgh toffs

Posh Asda vanThe special Asda lorry delivering in Aldeburgh today

By Colin Allcabs, Consumer Editor

Asda is saving the blushes of posh customers in Aldeburgh – by using a special delivery van that looks like it comes from Harrods.

Supermarket bosses realised online shoppers in the achingly upmarket seaside town would be horrified if their neighbours saw they shopped at Asda.

So they painted a delivery lorry using Harrods livery colours to make it seem all was well in the Edwardian town.


The cunning tactic has proved a hit for the store, which now has more than 50 regular customers who would not normally be seen dead buying from Asda, a chain that many in Aldeburgh regard simply as a grubby convenience store for the working classes.

An Asda insider told the Suffolk Gazette: “We spoke with Harrods before using their livery and they were cool about it. Now our Harrods-style Asda lorry makes trips every other day to Aldeburgh – and no-one realises the town is full of Asda online shoppers.”

One shopper, who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals, said: “My rent is so high in Aldeburgh that I have no choice but to shop online at Asda. It’s much cheaper than everywhere else. But I would be dreadfully embarrassed if an Asda van turned up, so this is a great initiative.”

Not for Aldeburgh: a normal common Asda vanNot suitable for Aldeburgh: common Asda van

Asda offered Harrods a reciprocal deal in case any working class customers wanted to disguise their expensive Harrods delivery as an Asda one, but there were no takers.

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