Friday, October 25, 2024

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3 tips for recruiting better & more qualified candidates

This year, the United States saw a record-breaking number of displaced workers file for unemployment benefits after the coronavirus pandemic spurred widespread layoffs across the company.

As businesses begin to reopen and the economy slowly recovers, millions of people will be on the hunt for employment opportunities. How do you attract the top talent in your direction?

These days, it’s no longer a matter of finding the best employee out of a pool of applicants—they have to want to work for you, too. A younger generation of Millennials who are taking over the business world care about more than compensation; they’re looking to work for a company that they can stand behind and grow with, beneath the guidance of an employer who cares just as much about their career as they do themselves.

If you’re having trouble recruiting the type of talented employees you’re searching for, here are some strategies that you can use to attract better job applicants who are more qualified for the job.

  1. Build Your Social Media Presence

Social media goes far beyond personal connections these days. LinkedIn still takes the title for the best platform for professional networking, but nearly every single company has a profile on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter. You may find it a bit strange, but it really is common practice these days.

Creating an account is in your best interest because it enables you to reach Millennial audiences where you have a better chance of finding the ideal candidate. These workers are in such high demand because they bring fresh, innovative ideas to boost sales, cut costs, and improve your bottom line.

Whoever is in charge of managing the social media account should be mindful to make a great impression. Speak in a language that’s fun and relatable, but be careful when posting about any subjective stance you take on a social issue, such as BLM. On the one hand, some might commend your willingness to stand up for your convictions, but others could find if offensive and seek employment at a company that leaves politics out of the discussion.

  • Act Friendly and Approachable, but also Professional

Remember, the way employers interact with their team members has changed at most cutting-edge companies (which is what you should try to position yourself as to attract better talent!). Leadership as drifted away from a rigid tier of superiority toward more of a mutually beneficial relationship.

As you engage on social media, let your personality shine through so that whoever’s on the other end can tell there’s a real person behind the screen, not just some company figurehead. When you eventually get candidates in for an interview, make them feel warm and welcome rather than cold and intimidating. Ideally, they’ll feel at home the moment they step in the door—but don’t go too overboard with the familiarities, or they might make them question your professionalism.

  1. Add an Extra Touch to Conduct Panel Interviews

To determine whether a job applicant is a good fit for the position, you’ll need to see if they demonstrate the qualities of a good employee. Someone might have all the right skills and experience on paper, but if they don’t have the interpersonal skills to get along with the team, it’ll never work out.

But very few people can honestly say that they enjoy taking time out of their day to sit through interviews, progressing through each back-to-back conversation wondering if they said the right or wrong this. So, sweeten the deal by selling the experience in the job description!

What cool perks can you use to wow a would-be applicant? Perhaps you can offer boba or kombucha on tap? A set of arcade games in the break room? A set of giant swings hanging from the lofted ceiling?

If you’re just getting your startup off the ground, you probably can’t afford shiny, big-ticket items, but even just the offer to pick up Starbucks can make you seem like you value their time as much as their own.

Think these tips through then revisit your recruitment strategy to achieve better results!

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