Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Roll up! Condoms are on special offer at Morrisons!

Roll up! Condoms are on special offer at Morrisons!
Roll up! Condoms are on special offer at Morrisons!

IPSWICH, SUFFOLK—Morrisons supermarket is in the news again following a controversial ‘hands-on’ offer to assist with condom purchases.

With a wink and a nudge, Morrisons has launched a provocative advertising campaign that has tongues wagging and eyebrows raising faster than you can say “unexpected item in the bagging area.”

Are you being served?

Emblazoned across the shelves of the family planning section, a bold sign beckons customers with the tantalizing promise: “Need a hand? Just ask a member of our store team.” While some shoppers have interpreted this as a simple offer of assistance with selecting products, others have raised more, shall we say, intimate interpretations.

Morrisons would offer more soon

Could Morrisons be offering marriage counselling services on the side? Or perhaps a discreet, hands-on tutorial in the art of safe sex?

As kinky customers flock to the supermarket, eager to decipher the true meaning behind Morrisons suggestive signage, the man himself remains tight-lipped, “I’m sayin’ nutting,” his mischievous grin hinting at secrets untold.

Is this another stroke of Morrisons marketing genius or merely a case of crossed wires? Only a visit to Morrisons will provide the answer.

Meanwhile: Asda is offering a special delivery service direct to your living room.

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