Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Police raid unearths tasty tea plantation

Suffolk tea plantation
Tea plantation found in Suffolk (Photo: Suffolk Police)

By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

A police raid on a house in Lowestoft found nothing more than a tea plantation in the loft.

Officers were tipped off about strange comings and goings from the terraced house and an unusually high electric bill.

But when they raided the home in High Street, all they found was a tea plantation.

Sgt Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “Our intelligence was that the house was maybe a drug den.

“But when we broke down the door and looked around, the tenant said it was a tea plantation.

“He told us the plants were ready for harvest and were headed for a local Suffolk tea company, which rivals Yorkshire tea.

“It’s good to see enterprise like this, and we were happy to leave him to his tea company business.”

The tenant in the property said he had been growing specialist Suffolk tea for many years, and that his customers were very happy happy with his product.

“It’s really good tea, honest. The police did come knocking but when I told them these were tea plants they left again.”

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