Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Drunk man told to take bus home from the pub and crashes it into house

CCTV image of Steve Walshe racing home from the pub

A drunk man who was advised to leave his car and take the bus home from the pub ended up crashing the 40-seater into his garden, a court heard.

Steve Walshe, 45, agreed to leave his car in the pub car park but took advice to take the bus home literally, Ipswich Magistrates were told.

Prosecutor Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “He pinched the keys while the bus driver was on a tea break and drove the bus home to Martlesham, near Ipswich.

“Unfortunately, he had consumed around five pints of beer in an Ipswich pub and lost control on a bend close to his house.

“He ended up crashing through the front garden wall.”

Mr James Dawkins, defending, said his client was of good previous character.

“Mr Walshe generally does what he’s told. He’s a happy drunk, if you like, so when the landlord told him to take the bus home, he took it literally.

“My client would like to apologise to the court.”

Walshe is charged with drunk-driving, theft of a bus and failing to report an accident, on account of the fact he went inside for another drink afterwards.

Magistrates adjourned the case for reports, and Walshe will be sentenced at a later date.

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