Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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How I saved an absolute fortune on Black Friday

Lorraine Fisher, 34
Canny Lorraine Fisher, 34

A Suffolk woman says she has saved herself a fortune on Black Friday – by buying absolutely nothing at all.

Lorraine Fisher, 34, has completely ignored tempting offers to purchase something she doesn’t really need.

Lorraine, from Ipswich, said: “Some of my friends are currently down the shops involved in a mass brawl to snap up a kettle because it has £2.40 off.

“Others are spending all day opening the hundreds of emails they have received from just about every online store in Britain, wondering if they really should upgrade their sofa.

“And the bloke next door has just bought a 72-inch flat-screen television, which won’t even fit through his front door.”

Black Friday offers

She reckons that over the years she has saved herself thousands of pounds by not falling for the annual retail gimmick.

“I tend to buy a new kettle when my current one breaks or develops a leak.

“So I don’t see why I would ever be encouraged to race down to Currys and buy one just because it is part of their ridiculous Black Friday Black Tag Event.”

Consumer experts have also questioned whether some of the “bargains” on offer really are value for money.

Steve Walshe, from the Consortium of Retail Offers, said: “Shops are trying to clear their shelves of old, unfashionable stock in order to resupply with new stuff that will sell for Christmas.

“It’s therefore quite convenient that Black Friday comes along to allow them to do this.”

But shops and online stores hit back, insisting they are doing the eager public a great service.

“Who doesn’t want a brand new, cool kettle?” said the owner of one Suffolk electrical store.

Meanwhile, speculation was growing today that so-called online news sites were publishing any old rubbish about Black Friday to get people clicking on adverts.

Not shopped enough? Buy a mug

In an ironic twist, the Suffolk Gazette wants you to buy a mug. It will make a lovely Christmas gift and comes with free UK delivery. View Dirty Old Goat mugs online or buy directly below!

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