Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Banksy uncovered in major boob

Banksy uncovered in major boob

Elusive street artist Banksy’s true identity has been uncovered after he was spotted in the act of creating his latest masterpiece.

By Ian Bred, Norfolk Correspondent

The enigmatic figure, known for his secretive persona and social commentary street art. He was caught red-handed in the act of painting a mural titled ‘boobies’ onto an ‘uneven road ahead’ traffic sign.

For years, the world has speculated about the identity of Banksy. With many believing the renegade art prodigy to be an overlooked art student. A bored painter/decorator, or an illiterate graffiti artist. However, the truth is far more down to earth than anyone could have imagined.

It turns out Banksy is none other than Fred Banks, 54, a bin man from Erwarton. Fred has been on the dust for 31 years and created his first street art in 1997. When he drew a ‘wot no recycling?’ graffiti on an overfilled wheelie bin. Since then, hidden by the dawn shadows, Fred. Who has no obvious artistic talent – has created over 3,000 works of vandalism while out on his bin round.

Risqué masterpiece

Banksy was finally uncovered when he let his guard drop as he munched on a Greggs sausage roll between pen strokes.

The ‘boobies’ mural, is seen as a bold departure from Banksy’s usual political commentary. The crude artwork features a pair of abstract hillocks. Cheekily transformed into ladies’ breasts with the addition of two cherry-like nipples in black permanent marker.

Posh art critics from London are wondering whether Banksy’s motivation is to enlighten. The world on gender equality, draw attention to the perils of uneven roads, or simply to provoke a good laugh. Albeit in a gratuitously sexist and childish manner.

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