Monday, February 17, 2025

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Mum sues store after tripping over HER OWN daughter

Mum sues store

A young mum is suing a shop for compensation after tripping over HER OWN toddler who was running around the aisles, it has emerged.

Charlotte Pleasance, 24, of Woodbridge in Suffolk, is claiming damages for a twisted ankle and bruised hip after falling in the frozen food section of her local supermarket.

She claims her life has been ruined because the store negligently allowed her daughter to run about while she got on with her weekly shop.

The case is expected to be heard in the High Court in London next week, with lawyers for Mrs Pleasance thought to be seeking a six-figure payout.

According to the writ, she was turning from the drinks aisle into the frozen food aisle when she fell over daughter Amy, who was running around screaming and not looking where she was going.

The writ says Mrs Pleasance tried to steady herself on her trolley, but fell, badly twisting her ankle and landing on her right hip.

It is claimed Mrs Pleasance has been unable to work since the incident in August last year, has suffered from clinical depression and lost her sexual appetite, leading to her husband divorcing her this year.

Lawyers for the independent supermarket, Tedbury, are denying responsibility for Mrs Pleasance’s accident.

“It is quite obvious she should have been keeping her own child under control in the first place,” a spokesman said.

He added: “We will be fighting this case all the way. It has already cost us £100,000 in legal fees, but it is a matter of principle.”

A member of staff at Tedbury, who asked not to be named, said: “Some mothers have no control over their children in here. They need to behave or stay outside – it was only a matter of time before someone was hurt.

“It serves her right as it was her own daughter running amok.”

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