Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Hollywood rodent’s Roadmaster disaster

Hollywood rodent’s Roadmaster disaster
Hollywood rodent’s Roadmaster

A Hollywood rodent’s Roadmaster disaster has made headlines in Felixstowe, Suffolk.

A-List mouse, Stuart Little was brought down to earth with a bump when his 1953 Buick Roadmaster.Convertible was slapped with a £70 Fine for parking on a double yellow outside the Spa Pavillion in Felixstowe.

Packing vermin

Little, star of the Stuart Little franchise of hit movies, delighted local theatre-goers. when he agreed to appear as ‘Mouse in Boots’.in the ‘Little Dick Whittington’ panto showing at the Pavillion this winter season,.selling out the first 14 nights in under three hours.

Roadmaster problems

Unaware of local parking regulations, the tiny, furry heartthrob – voiced by my Michael J Fox in the movies.– rolled-up outside the theatre on first night in his classic convertible and parked wherever the hell he liked.

After a rip-roaring performance that earned the renowned rodent a 12-minute standing ovation,.the fatigued but happy mouse returned to his ride. It was only then that the full force of local parking services descended upon him to shatter his joyful mood.

His beloved remote-controlled Roadmaster valued at over $90 had been clamped – with a bulldog clip and a suitcase padlock. A notice to pay the fine and call for the release of the vehicle was affixed to the windscreen on a postage stamp.

Size isn’t everything

Being the charming celebrity mouse that he is, Mr Little joked about the unfortunate ‘welcome’ his car received in a press conference the following evening.

Asked why he didn’t see the double yellow lines emblazoned across his chosen parking space,.the comedic nose-twitcher elicited nervous gasps and uproarious laughter when he quipped “Because the markings were not much bigger than my cock!”

‘Little D*ck Whittington’ runs at the Spa Pavillion, Felixstowe until 13th January 2035.

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