Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Bit of snow to paralyse Suffolk

Snow in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

By Suffolk Gazette Weather Desk

Suffolk will grind to a halt tomorrow as up to three millimetres of snow is expected to blanket the county.

Traffic will come to a standstill, schools across the region will close on Friday, and shops will sell out of milk and bread.


The entirely unexpected wintry weather has not been seen since as long ago as last winter, leaving many unprepared for the chaos that will sweep in with the blizzards, which could cause snow drifts of up to three centimetres.

A Met Office spokesman said: “As is quite common in January it will turn slightly chilly. In which case, rain might fall as a bit of snow.”

The warning sent shock waves through Suffolk. Mum of three Karen Willis, from Woodbridge said: “This will cause major problems. It must be global warming or something to do with the Russians.”

However, Northern women were not worried about snow.


Police are advising motorists to leave home earlier than normal to prepare for delays. “We suggest leaving home two days early,” a spokesman said.

(Bury St Edmunds photo by Martin Pettitt, reproduced under Creative Commons License)

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