Saturday, October 19, 2024

Norfolk magician jailed after accidentally sawing assistant in half

Magician saws assistant in half
Shazam (inset) and glamorous assistant Edna Spratt in happier times

By Ian Bred, Norfolk Correspondent

Magician Super Shazam Spuckler was jailed for ten years today after accidentally sawing his beautiful assistant in half on stage.

Appearing at Ipswich Crown Court, Super Shazam admitted manslaughter when his act at Dereham Town Hall went terribly wrong.

He had never tried the daredevil trick before and told the stunned courtroom: “I watched a YouTube video of the stunt and thought I’d give it a try.”

The Norfolk audience thought it was part of the show when Shazam sawed through his magic cabinet while beautiful assistant Edna Spratt, 49, was laying inside.

They even howled with laughter when poor Edna began screaming and blood started pouring onto the stage.

Realising something was wrong, an official hastily closed the curtains, and the show ended to wild applause.

Ms Lorraine Fisher, 34, prosecuting at Ipswich Crown Court, said: “Mr Shazam is more used to pulling rabbits from hats and other assorted tricks. He’s also a clairvoyant.

“But even he couldn’t have seen what was to come when he sawed Edna in half.”

An ambulance was sent to the scene, but Edna was found to be dead on arrival at the hospital, mainly because she was in two pieces.

Sentencing Shazam, Judge Steven Bickerton said: “You tried out a new trick with no practice and caused the death of your loyal assistant, Edna Spratt. Perhaps you would have been better off buying a magic set from Amazon.

“You have admitted your part in this terrible accident, and have shown considerable remorse, not least because you now must find a new assistant.

“I have no option but to jail you for ten years for manslaughter.”

Prison officers have been told to keep a close eye on the magician, in case he disappears.

Editor’s note, this magician has no relation to East Anglian content agency Magic Word Media.

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