By The Editor
At this special time of year, I’d like to personally wish all of you wonderful readers a very happy Christmas. I hope it’s everything you and your families wished for.
For my part I continue to be amazed by the support you have given the Suffolk Gazette. Since I launched it as a one-man hobby website ten months ago, with the aim of having a bit of fun while trying to be creative, the readership has grown beyond belief.
Just last week the site got its one millionth page view. Over 600,000 people have read the Suffolk Gazette. Our Suffolk Gazette Facebook page community is growing rapidly, currently standing at 6,700.
Those figures will never fail to amaze me; it just goes to show everyone loves a bit of a laugh and a good yarn. As the Suffolk Gazette motto says: You couldn’t make it up!
And so I’ll raise a glass to you this Christmas (and thanks to the many of you who took advantage of our Buy Us A Beer donation page to, er, buy me a beer), and leave you with this heartwarming Suffolk seasonal scene…

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