Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Brexit-voting Marmite lovers admit: we got it wrong

Marmite lovers
By Colin Allcabs, Consumer Correspondent

Millions of Marmite lovers admitted today they would never have voted to leave the EU if they’d known their favourite spread was at risk.

There was widespread panic across Britain as shoppers snapped up remaining stocks of the yeasty favourite, which has become the first victim of the Brexit vote.

Unilever is locked in a row with Tesco for trying to increase wholesale prices following uncertainty in the post-Brexit economy.

But Tesco bosses refused to back down and have now stopped buying Marmite and other Unilever brands like PG Tips and Surf washing powder.

Now the truth has dawned on Marmite fans that they have ruined their breakfast by voting to leave the EU.

Factory manager Terry Sprockett, of Mildenhall, Suffolk said: “Had I known that the real issues over the EU included getting my Marmite, I would never have voted to leave.”

And fellow leave voter Anne Dimbleby of Eye added: “The politicians let us down. Had Cameron, Osborne, Corbyn and the rest of them concentrated on the key Marmite issue we would still be very much part of Europe today.”

However, it emerged today that some people absolutely hate Marmite. Remain voter Celia Smythe of Ipswich said: “I am passionate about remaining in the EU, but would have voted Out had I known it would mean no more Marmite.”

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