Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Will Smith made life president of Suffolk boxing club

Hollywood hit: Will Smith (Image Gage Skidmore under CC by SA 2.0)

Hollywood actor Will Smith has accepted an invitation to be Life President of the Gloves Off Boxing Club in Suffolk.

The star, who assaulted comedian Chris Rock at The Oscars this week, will take part in a special bout at the Stowmarket venue when he accepts his honour next month.

Gloves Off coach Steve Walshe said: “Will Smith is famous for his hand-to-hand combat skills and was the obvious choice for Life President.

“We contacted him via his agent yesterday and, despite being tired from the Oscars after-parties, he accepted right away.

“This will put boxing in Suffolk on the map.”

Lorraine Fisher, 34, whose son attends the Gloves Off Boxing Club, said members were looking forward to Mr Smith joining.

“He’s a really big hit,” she said. “But when he visits, we won’t be booking a comedian to host the evening.”

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